Thursday 1 August 2013

Who feeds Whitehead?

One of the few things that each of us really needs is food.

For some people, food is a marginal concern, merely fuel to stay alive. For others, it's an all consuming passion. Most of us are somewhere in between those two extremes. But wherever you lie on the spectrum of food interest, it's something you have to think about. We'd like to find out a bit more about how you feel about food, what you eat and where you buy it.

Transition Town Whitehead is planning some future projects on food, which may include activities to encourage more provision for growing food, such as allotments; cookery demonstrations and classes on basic cooking skills; setting up short supply systems to promote the easy availability of locally-produced food. 

We are also considering the possibility of applying for external funding. Before we do that, however, we need to find out if there is any level of support for such initiatives. We've compiled a simple survey - only 10 questions - designed to get some idea of what people in Whitehead think and to see who might be interested in helping with future food projects.

Please take a few minutes to contribute to this survey.

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